ProtocolAnalytics.lua 2.1 KB

  1. --------------------------------
  2. -- @module ProtocolAnalytics
  3. -- @extend PluginProtocol
  4. -- @parent_module plugin
  5. --------------------------------
  6. -- brief Track an event begin.<br>
  7. -- param eventId The identity of event
  8. -- @function [parent=#ProtocolAnalytics] logTimedEventBegin
  9. -- @param self
  10. -- @param #char eventId
  11. --------------------------------
  12. -- brief log an error<br>
  13. -- param errorId The identity of error<br>
  14. -- param message Extern message for the error
  15. -- @function [parent=#ProtocolAnalytics] logError
  16. -- @param self
  17. -- @param #char errorId
  18. -- @param #char message
  19. --------------------------------
  20. -- brief Whether to catch uncaught exceptions to server.<br>
  21. -- warning This interface only worked on android.
  22. -- @function [parent=#ProtocolAnalytics] setCaptureUncaughtException
  23. -- @param self
  24. -- @param #bool enabled
  25. --------------------------------
  26. -- brief Set the timeout for expiring a session.<br>
  27. -- param millis In milliseconds as the unit of time.<br>
  28. -- note It must be invoked before calling startSession.
  29. -- @function [parent=#ProtocolAnalytics] setSessionContinueMillis
  30. -- @param self
  31. -- @param #long millis
  32. --------------------------------
  33. -- brief log an event.<br>
  34. -- param eventId The identity of event<br>
  35. -- param paramMap Extern parameters of the event, use NULL if not needed.
  36. -- @function [parent=#ProtocolAnalytics] logEvent
  37. -- @param self
  38. -- @param #char eventId
  39. -- @param #map_table paramMap
  40. --------------------------------
  41. -- brief Start a new session.<br>
  42. -- param appKey The identity of the application.
  43. -- @function [parent=#ProtocolAnalytics] startSession
  44. -- @param self
  45. -- @param #char appKey
  46. --------------------------------
  47. -- brief Stop a session.<br>
  48. -- warning This interface only worked on android
  49. -- @function [parent=#ProtocolAnalytics] stopSession
  50. -- @param self
  51. --------------------------------
  52. -- brief Track an event end.<br>
  53. -- param eventId The identity of event
  54. -- @function [parent=#ProtocolAnalytics] logTimedEventEnd
  55. -- @param self
  56. -- @param #char eventId
  57. return nil