FacebookAgent.lua 1.5 KB

  1. --------------------------------
  2. -- @module FacebookAgent
  3. -- @parent_module plugin
  4. --------------------------------
  5. -- brief Notifies the events system that the app has launched & logs an activatedApp event.
  6. -- @function [parent=#FacebookAgent] activateApp
  7. -- @param self
  8. --------------------------------
  9. -- brief get permissoin list
  10. -- @function [parent=#FacebookAgent] getPermissionList
  11. -- @param self
  12. -- @return string#string ret (return value: string)
  13. --------------------------------
  14. -- brief get UserID
  15. -- @function [parent=#FacebookAgent] getUserID
  16. -- @param self
  17. -- @return string#string ret (return value: string)
  18. --------------------------------
  19. -- brief log out
  20. -- @function [parent=#FacebookAgent] logout
  21. -- @param self
  22. --------------------------------
  23. --
  24. -- @function [parent=#FacebookAgent] getSDKVersion
  25. -- @param self
  26. -- @return string#string ret (return value: string)
  27. --------------------------------
  28. -- brief Check whether the user logined or not
  29. -- @function [parent=#FacebookAgent] isLoggedIn
  30. -- @param self
  31. -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool)
  32. --------------------------------
  33. -- brief get AccessToken
  34. -- @function [parent=#FacebookAgent] getAccessToken
  35. -- @param self
  36. -- @return string#string ret (return value: string)
  37. --------------------------------
  38. -- Destroy singleton of FacebookAgent
  39. -- @function [parent=#FacebookAgent] destroyInstance
  40. -- @param self
  41. return nil