1. cocos2d-x authors & contributors
  2. (ordered by join time)
  3. Core Developers:
  4. Ricardo Quesada
  5. XiaoMing Zhang (Minggo)
  6. JianHua Chen (James)
  7. Zhe Wang (Walzer)
  8. Hao Wu (Wu-Hao)
  9. Qingkui Hu (samuele3hu)
  10. Huabing Xu (dabingnn)
  11. Wenhai Lin (WenhaiLin)
  12. Guanghui Qu (zilongshanren)
  13. Wensheng Yang (yangws)
  14. Yulei Liao (dualface)
  15. Huabin Ling (pandamicro)
  16. Long Jiang (jianglong0156)
  17. Sijie Fu (fusijie)
  18. Framework & Tools Developers:
  19. Bin Zhang (natural-law)
  20. LunHao Guo
  21. Web Developers:
  22. Sijie Wang (VisualSJ)
  23. Menghe Zhang (ZhangMenghe)
  24. 3D Developers:
  25. Xiao Yang (super626)
  26. Yintao Hou (masterhou)
  27. Editor Support Developers:
  28. Cheng Zhang (chengstory)
  29. Feng Xiao (xiaofeng11)
  30. Windows Platforms Developers (Collaborators from Microsoft):
  31. Dale Stammen (stammen)
  32. Anniruddh (anniruddh)
  33. Community Evangelism / Programmers Guide Author:
  34. Jason Slack-Moehrle (slackmoehrle)
  35. Developers:
  36. halx99(Guo Xiaodong)
  37. Add ETC1 builtin alpha support.
  38. Add findChild for cocos2d::utils.
  39. Add script with utf-8 bom support for luabindings.
  40. Add captureNode for cocos2d::utils.
  41. fix AudioEngine bug for iOS, UTF8 filePath.
  42. Rolando Abarca
  43. Javascript Binding and testjs
  44. Squallium
  45. Added ccFPSImages entity as linked resource on linux eclipse project setting.
  46. Added CocosDenshion dependency to libextension project for eclipse project of linux.
  47. longlene
  48. Improve android project creation script
  49. reneklacan
  50. Hardware keyboard support
  51. liuyq
  52. CCTextureAtlas::updateQuad modify for the memcpy hot spot.
  53. frranck
  54. adding norwegian language
  55. Added "a unsupport image format!" log when creating a sprite in CCImage.cpp.
  56. varlucian
  57. fix the bug that OnEnterTransitionDidFinish was called twice when a node is added in onEnter.
  58. carlomorgantinizynga
  59. CCLabelTTF supports for shadow and stroke
  60. Adding CCLabelTTF::createWithFontDefinition.
  61. New label support.
  62. James Gregory (j4m3z0r, Zynga)
  63. Maintainer of Emscripten port.
  64. Initial Emscripten port.
  65. Use browser font rendering instead of FreeType.
  66. Add destructor to CCGLBufferedNode.
  67. Asynchronous Image loading for Emscripten
  68. DarraghCoy
  69. Fixed a potential crash SimpleAudioEngineOpenSL::playEffect
  70. Fixed some bugs with Set class
  71. Added ccDrawSolidCircle
  72. Added Rect::unionWithRect
  73. Fixed a memory leak in Set::removeAllObjects
  74. Fixed for unaligned memory access crash in CCBReader::readFloat()
  75. Fixed for loading custom fonts on iOS when referenced from a CCB file
  76. Fixed CCUserDefault.cpp compiling on Android.
  77. Fixed CCFileUtils 'createXXXXWithContentsOfFile' path lookup issue
  78. Added CCDirector::popToSceneStackLevel(int level)
  79. Fixed a bug that custom font can't be loaded correctly if using full path of filename on android
  80. Fixed potential crashes in EventDispatch while using SceneGraphPriroity listeners and added helper function to check it
  81. Fixed a protential crash in EventDispatch while unregistering listener right after it was registered
  82. Adding an extra verification in Node's destructor
  83. Added RefPtr<T> smart pointer support
  84. silverscania
  85. Pass correct parameter to glPixelStorei when creating a texture
  86. stari4ek
  87. Fix VideoPlayer on Android ignore search paths
  88. Label: Improve rendering of letter's inner shapes when outline is used
  89. platform: Fixed issue that depth/stencil buffers attributes are ignored on iOS
  90. FlagellumDei
  91. Center the window correctly on windows
  92. ggggamer
  93. fixed memory leak of preloadEffect on windows
  94. Some small performance improvements
  95. CodeSnooker
  96. Added Method to create a CCMenuItemToggle from a CCArray with a target selector
  97. wagaf-d
  98. Move ccpX functions to CCPoint methods and operators
  99. sergey-shambir
  100. Added CC_DISABLE_COPY macro
  101. Added __attribute__(__format__()) for CCLog and CCString
  102. Refactoring network extension and fixing unlikely memory leaks.
  103. Adding PUT/DELETE methods for CCHttpRequest.
  104. Adding project part for QtCreator.
  105. Implemented pitch, pan and gain.
  106. Using SDL backend instead of glfw for Linux.
  107. savdalion
  108. Added example for russian language in TestCpp
  109. Added const modifier for classes CCArray, CCObject
  110. Deprecated method fixes
  111. rodrigogolive
  112. Fix broke linux build
  113. kdejongh
  114. Fix for spaces at the beginning of wrapped lines on Android
  115. martell
  116. use tinyxml2 to replace libxml2
  117. Added Mingw-crt Support without breaking VS SDK
  118. CMake support for windows.
  119. Added support for x64 target of windows.
  120. Added Dutch Language support.
  121. Added clang support for Windows.
  122. Cmake update and remove old scripts from build folder
  123. Fixed building with system prebuilt libs on Linux
  124. mchinen
  125. fix emulator issue for OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android
  126. Fix missing protocol method warning for iOS 6.0 addition
  127. DenizPiri
  128. use CCLOG to implement print() function in LUA
  129. nickveri
  130. nickkwalee
  131. added some missing function for setting integer shader uniforms in CCGLProgram
  132. biteforest
  133. fix cc scale9 sprite bug
  134. Jimmy Sambuo
  135. fix the bug that SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect() and playBackgroundMusic() play twice on linux
  136. Waiter
  137. fix an error that OpenSLEngine can't load resources from SD card
  138. add CCRemoveSelf action
  139. Fixing a bug that CCLabelTTF setString crash on android.
  140. Fixed a bug in Scheduler which may case Force Close.
  141. billy1380
  142. make CCLens3d support concave effect.
  143. Adding 64bit target for Mac project.
  144. benjamesward
  145. add Portuguese and Arabic language support
  146. Fixed linebreaks on Mac OSX
  147. Victor K(fnz)
  148. fix memory leak of CCTextureCache::addImageAsync() on iOS
  149. tks2shimizu
  150. add CCFloat, CCDouble and CCBool
  151. Add append function for String class
  152. Adding String::componentsSeparatedByString function for splitting string.
  153. chenium
  154. fix a bug that CCRenderTexture can not work when coming to foreground on Android
  155. 9re(Taro Kobayashi)
  156. add Japanese language support
  157. mingulov
  158. improve the speed of accessing to files from apk
  159. sburavtsov
  160. fix for correct unscheduling and instance destruction of extensions/network/HttpClient.cpp
  161. wenbin wang
  162. add error handler when read image data using libjpeg
  163. add korean language support
  164. fix getDeviceModel bug in android CocosDenshion
  165. Horcruxes
  166. fix the bug that CCArray::createWithContentsOfFile() may not read file data on iOS
  167. Hu Kaiou
  168. contribute the new version of libcurl to support both armv7 & armv7s on iOS
  169. fix some memory leak
  170. ByungChoi
  171. modify linux makefiles to fix compiling errors
  172. edbartley
  173. update MSVS and MAC projects to use project-relative path
  174. CCControl* should not respond to touches if the control is not visible
  175. Some improvements for CCScrollView and CCTableView.
  176. Touch priority can't be set to the value specified by a call to CCMenu::setTouchPriority(int).
  177. CCTableView crashes if a CCTableViewDelegate is not provided.
  178. Fixing a bug that _realOpacity isn't assigned in CCLayerColor::initWithColor.
  179. CCScrollView TouchPriority Fix
  180. Add encrypted PVR.CCZ support to ZipUtils + Tests
  181. Fix for broken of ccArrayGetIndexOfObject after merging this commit(076f38c).
  182. Weeds (Andre Rudlaff)
  183. Used fontconfig to enhance font rendering on linux.
  184. Fixed a bug about missing horizontal alignment for Custom TTF fonts on linux.
  185. Fixed a bug that the truetype fonts from resource directory can't be found on linux.
  186. Fixed the size calculations for true type fonts (especially for italic fonts).
  187. Added a very simple greedy line break algorithmfor true type labels.
  188. Fixed font rendering crash for certain fonts on linux.
  189. Fixed potential crash in CCScheduler::removeHashElement.
  190. Fixed potential crash in CCSaxParser.
  191. Added kResolutionFixedHeight and kResolutionFixedWidth resolution policy.
  192. Use pthread mutex and condition variable instead of pthred semaphore to load image asynchronizely.
  193. Fixed crash in HttpClient request on 64Bit.
  194. Nat Weiss (
  195. author of Mac port
  196. add TMX polygon parsing
  197. Properly resets the tile's Y flipping
  198. XiaoLong Zhang (Chukong Inc)
  199. Mike McGary (Zynga)
  200. Di Wu (Zynga China)
  201. CCBReader and cpp reflection mechanic
  202. Angus Comrie
  203. contributes cocos2d-x port of CCControlExtension.
  204. Yannick Loriot
  205. author of CCControlExtension in cocos2d-iphone.
  206. Surith Thekkiam (folecr, Zynga)
  207. contribute for Android module building
  208. Simpler, correct handling of spritesheet sources for CCScale9Sprite.
  209. Clean up linked libraries for android.
  210. JavaScript debugger improved and bugfixed.
  211. Fix flags for debugger server socket.
  212. Fix flags for debugger server socket.
  213. When user has built with JS Debugger support ScriptingCore will handle necessary runtime changes.
  214. Nicolas Gramlich (nicolasgramlich, Zynga)
  215. fixed CCDirector to use CCLabelBMFont instead of CCLabelTTF
  216. added CCBReader (CCBI format)
  217. Added cleanup and reset methods to ScriptingCore.
  218. Fixed a bug in ScriptingCore::evalString not setting the outval.
  219. Updated .classpath of Android project to latest ADT 22 build tool compatibility.
  220. Rohan Kuruvilla (rohankuruvilla, Zynga)
  221. Improvements to JS Bindings.
  222. Synchronizing CCBReader to version 5.
  223. Adding OpenGL Bindings to Javascript.
  224. Fixing a bug that nested ccb-files are not positioned correctly.
  225. Fixing a bug that crash when loading valid project.
  226. Jianfeng Zou (NetDragon Inc)
  227. contributes CCListView and CCTextureWatcher.
  228. dducharme
  229. author of blackberry port
  230. ImperialPenguin
  231. Added TTF support for blackberry port.
  232. HuaXu Cai (Kongzhong Corporation)
  233. author of linux port
  234. ciaranj
  235. add a build file that correctly generates LuaCocos2d.cpp
  236. add a lua template
  237. add particle systems to lua bindings
  238. use ant to generate LuaCocos2d.cpp and lua projects
  239. Marat Yakupov (moadib)
  240. Adds ability of simulating android enter/resume background on win32
  241. Adds ability of simulating android back/menu key on win32
  242. Adds support for multiple background music sources to CocosDenshion for Blackberry
  243. Eli Yukelzon (reflog)
  244. add a helper method to draw filled polygons
  245. improvements to CCUserDefaults
  246. ZhuoShi Shun
  247. contribute the lua binding of CocosDenshion
  248. Jirka Fajfr
  249. Chris Calm
  250. authors of CCTexturePVR
  251. RuiXiang Zhou (NetDragon)
  252. XiDi Peng (NetDragon)
  253. AiYu Ye (NetDragon)
  254. authors of lua binding
  255. Max Aksenov
  256. author and maintainer of Airplay port
  257. Giovanni Zito
  258. Francis Styck
  259. authors of Marmalade port
  260. Mat Hopwood( Marmalade official engineer )
  261. Marmalade support for gles20 branch
  262. Carlos Sessa
  263. implement the accelerometer module for Android port
  264. James Chen(dumganhar)
  265. author of Bada port
  266. Fixed wrong callback setting for webview:setOnDidFailLoading in Lua.
  267. Fixed life control for XMLHttpRequest.
  268. Remove weak reference in ActionNode.
  269. Bug fix for shouldStartLoading method, should return value from JS
  270. Erawppa
  271. implement CCNotificationCenter
  272. YuLei Liao(dualface)
  273. contribute the factor of lua binding
  274. jreitman
  275. fix the bug of asynchronous loading resources for iOS
  276. Nat Weiss
  277. minor enhancements to the Cocos2D-X codebase and Android build scripts
  278. Qingyun Huang (greathqy)
  279. implement CCHttpRequest
  280. donaldalanmorrison
  281. fix some warnings and memory leaks
  282. Yinghui Peng(mustime)
  283. use OpenSL ES to play effects
  284. add TestLua sample
  285. Dongyang Cai(John-cdy)
  286. add automatically test tools
  287. Sergey Vikhirev(BorMor)
  288. Remove retina specific methods and logic.
  289. johnangel
  290. OpenGL framebuffer access violation fix.
  291. Enable Windows XP support in Visual Studio 2012 Update 1.
  292. Peter Farkas (fape)
  293. contributes Marmalade port for gles20 branch
  294. add Hungarian language support
  295. fixed compilation errors after adding support of webp image format.
  296. Tomoaki Shimizu (tks2shimizu)
  297. Adding randomObject to CCDictionary.
  298. Igor Zavorotkin (ivzave)
  299. Adding lua support for linux platform.
  300. Jozef Prídavok (jpridavok)
  301. Adding CCEditBox implementation for Mac OSX.
  302. tiantian20007
  303. Fixing a crash for call runAnimation() in CCBAnimationManagerDelegate::completedAnimationSequenceNamed.
  304. Fixing a bug that CCControl's touch priority is not set correctly; m_nDefaultTouchPriority is never used.
  305. Fixing a syntax error for RENDER_IN_SUBPIXEL macro.
  306. Implement CCDictionary::writeToFile().
  307. Fixing a bug that unused spriteframes also need to be removed when purgeCachedData.
  308. Adding a method to get duration of timeline for CCBAnimationManager class, it's easy for getting duration of animation in JSB.
  309. xyhl515
  310. Fixed a bug that CCControlSwitch::setOn(isOn,false) doesn't work.
  311. Adds VS2012 Express template installing support.
  312. Fixing a logical error in CCDrawNode::drawPolygon.
  313. Fixing a bug that Jsb function getCPBody return type is not right.
  314. Sergej Tatarincev (SevInf)
  315. Making ScriptingCore.cpp compiled fine with C++11 on iOS.
  316. Using shared NodeLoaderLibrary in CCBReader bindings.
  317. CCEditBox iOS enchantments/bugfixes.
  318. Support variable cell sizes in CCTableView.
  319. ThePickleMan
  320. Adding 'rotationIsDir' property to ParticleSystem.
  321. DrawNode supports to draw triangle, quad bezier, cubic bezier.
  322. Jianghua (jxhgzs)
  323. Adding an additional transform for CCNode.
  324. giginet
  325. Fix CCRepeat#create is recieved bad argument on Lua binding.
  326. Added a feature that CCSSceneReader can load name properties as node names.
  327. Added Rect::intersectsCircle().
  328. neokim
  329. Adds 'setFont' and 'setAnchorPoint' to CCEditBox.
  330. Workaround for some problems due to UITextField of CCEditBoxImplIOS is attached as a view above OpenGL view.
  331. Enhance ScrollView with easing out scrolling.
  332. Add scroll bar feature into ui::ScrollView.
  333. Add RadioButton and RaidoButtonGroup widgets.
  334. Add a setter for line width in DrawNode.
  335. UI: Added a setter for line width in DrawNode
  336. UI: Added ScrollViewBar for displaying a scroll bar at the side of ScrollView
  337. UI: Added RadioButton widget
  338. UI: Refined scroll event dispatching for ScrollView
  339. platform: Fixed Android app occasionally freeze issue caused by Cocos2dxRenderer.nativeOnResume() is not called when the activity is resumed
  340. Fixed an issue that list view's Magnetic::CENTER is not working well when non-bounceable.
  341. Added APIs to scroll to specific item in list.
  342. Added APIs to get an item in specific position like center, leftmost, rightmost, topmost and bottommost.
  343. Added a feature for magnetic scrolling.
  344. Merge logics of Scroll View for scroll by inertia and auto scroll into one.
  345. Change PageView to derive from ListView.
  346. Sam Clegg (sbc100)
  347. Author of Native Client port.
  348. Refactor linux build system and fix many warnings.
  349. Fixing a bug where missing packages would cause the script to exit on linux.
  350. Adding 'make run' target for linux projects.
  351. Stripping newlines from log message and fixing linux library location.
  352. Fixing a bug that CCPhysicsSprite was overriding only some of the getPosition methods.
  353. Adding a macro USE_BOX2D to check whether to enable Box2D for linux and nacl port.
  354. Adding Travis build support for linux and NaCl.
  355. Logging assert messages to the console.
  356. Renaming CCScriptSupport::executeAssert to CCScriptSupport::handleAssert.
  357. Adding Native Client support for develop branch (cocos2d-x 3.0) and some warnings fixes.
  358. Cleanup travis build scripts.
  359. Refactoring emscripten building script.
  360. Peter Young (young40)
  361. Implements setVisible() for CCEditBox.
  362. Fixing a bug that event will not be sent to server when paramMap parameter of logEvent function is nil in plugin-x.
  363. csy1988525
  364. Fixing a bug about display result is wrong when invoking CCControlButton:: setHighlighted.
  365. fixed a bug when button's parent is hided, the button still can responce to clicked event.
  366. Asad ur Rehman (AsadR)
  367. Adding CCNotificationCenter::removeAllObservers(CCObject *target).
  368. jedy
  369. Fix of CCNode.h's document with doxygen 1.8.3 can't be generated.
  370. whitegfx
  371. Implementation of kEditBoxInputFlagSensitive setting for CCEditBoxImplIOS.
  372. Zecken (gelldur)
  373. Fixing a profiling compilation error in CCParticleBatchNode.
  374. Fixing linking errors for TestCPP with libcurl on linux.
  375. Fixing a bug that crash was triggered if there is not `textureFileName`section in particle plist file.
  376. flamingo (flaming0)
  377. Null pointer check in order to prevent crashes.
  378. Updating spine-runtime to EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes@5f90386.
  379. rtissera (Romain TISSERAND)
  380. Adding missing JNIEXPORT / JNICALL declarations.
  381. Fix iOS 4.3 JPEG loading issue.
  382. Yodesoft
  383. Improving font rendering performance for linux platform.
  384. Reducing function call in nativeInitBitmapDC to improve performance.
  385. Refactoring writable path to "<user's home>/.config/<app name>" for linux platform.
  386. sjchao
  387. Fixing a display bug when a scrollView nested in another scrollView.
  388. Éloi Rivard (azmeuk)
  389. Linux OpenAL support.
  390. Added some guards to prevent Eclipse to compile twice the same class.
  391. Linux Eclipse projects updates
  392. Refactored, it's no longer need to be edited to make emscripten work.
  393. Creation of CCDeprecated-ext.h
  394. Use of a single emscripten HTML template file.
  395. Added some guards in fileutils. Fixed a bug in emscripten file utils.
  396. Added emscripten keyboard support
  397. Clang support for Linux.
  398. Multiple emscripten template support. Emscripten multiple resolutions support.
  399. Toplevel Makefile refactoring.
  400. Ignored files generated by cmake.
  401. Added GLFW include path for Fedora.
  402. Linux javascript bindings support.
  403. elmiro
  404. Correction of passed buffer size to readlink and verification of result return by readlink.
  405. harikrishnar (Hari Krishna)
  406. Wrong logic in CCArray::initWithObjects.
  407. Fixing a bug that button should not get respond if its parent is invisable.
  408. rogerzanoni
  409. Fixing a linking error that libpthread and libGL libraries need to be linked on linux.
  410. Fixing a compiling error of [-Werror=array-bounds] when compiling Box2dTestBed.
  411. zhanghaojie
  412. Fixing a bug that anchorPoint property of CCScale9Sprite doesn't work in CCBReader.
  413. MarkEHenderson (Mark Henderson)
  414. Fixing of variable initialization in SpriteBatchNode.
  415. akira-cn
  416. Adding response for back and menu keypad event for Android.
  417. lgb (Oleg)
  418. Fixing a compilation error for BlackBerry PlayBook.
  419. Comparing float number by using epsilon and absolute difference.
  420. jotel (Jaroslaw Lewandowski)
  421. Fixing a bug that wrong type of argument signature is used in setAccelerometerIntervalJNI function.
  422. Fix for broken of ccArrayGetIndexOfObject after merging this commit(076f38c).
  423. Explicitly initialising CCAcceleration structure.
  424. Add support to save/retrieve CCData into/from CCUserDefault.
  425. Text Shadows fix
  426. Solving 'black screen' on android.
  427. MarcelBloemendaal
  428. Adding secureTextEntry property to CCTextFieldTTF.
  429. brawsome
  430. Adding new macro CCB_MEMBERVARIABLEASSIGNER_GLUE_WEAK to CCBMemberVariableAssigner.h.
  431. Adding CCLOG before original path is returned in CCFileUtils::fullPathForFileName to aid in debugging.
  432. Optmization to ccArrayGetIndexOfObject.
  433. sunzhuoshi
  434. Adding support for javascript bytecode.
  435. Fixing bad js constant names.
  436. ptekchand (Pranav Tekchand)
  437. Supporting negative node scales for CCScrollView.
  438. coolengineer (Hojin Choi)
  439. Refactoring callback selector for HttpResponse.
  440. djh-
  441. Fixing a bug that displayed color of CCDrawNode is incorrect when VAO is disabled.
  442. acai (beingstudio)
  443. Fix of null pointer access in CCBAnimationManager::getRunningSequenceName.
  444. metalgit92
  445. Adding const qualification to some CCNode's getters
  446. Clarinexus
  447. Fixing a bug that setColor and setOpacity of CCControlButton and CCScale9Sprite are broken.
  448. Xander84
  449. Fixing a bug in CCBValue::getByteValue.
  450. smshuja
  451. Fixing a bug that pointQueryFirst returns invalid Shape when a shape is not found in JSB.
  452. Fixing a bug that New PivotJoint can't access 4 parameters like in html5 version.
  453. Fixing a bug that Pivotjoint constructor and pointQueryFirst in Space class will return false instead of invalid shape object.
  454. Carsten Sandtner (casarock)
  455. Adding XMLHttpRequest support for JSB.
  456. Lee, Jae-Hong (pyrasis)
  457. Maintainer of tizen port.
  458. localStorageGetItem crashes when column text is NULL.
  459. fix image bug on Android
  460. lumendes
  461. Updating spine-runtime to EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes@5f90386.
  462. sunxiaoyu
  463. Refactoring CCEditBox to add UITextField only when keyboard was opened, remove it when keyboard was closed.
  464. edwardzhou (Edward Zhou)
  465. Correcting the type detecting order for Lua CCBProxy::getNodeTypeName.
  466. Casting variables to their own type, and print warning info if no corresponding lua callback function instead of crash.
  467. fix of WebSocket url parse error for 'ws://' pattern.
  468. Fixed a bug that Websocket doesn't support send/receive data which larger than 4096 bytes.
  469. Show detail class & function name in error message of lua-binding
  470. musikov
  471. Fixing a bug that missing precision when getting strokeColor and fontFillColor
  472. added Turkish and Ukrainian language support
  473. hawkwood (Justin Hawkwood)
  474. Fixing a bug that EditBox doesn't show any text if it's initialized with text.
  475. Fixed a memory leak in new Audio.
  476. wtyqm (zhang peng)
  477. Fixing a bug that ccbRootPath wasn't passed to sub ccb nodes.
  478. smilingpoplar (YangLe)
  479. Fixing a bug that CCScale9Sprite doesn't support rotated spriteframe in atlas.
  480. xxuejie
  481. Add namespace prefix to selector macros
  482. hannon235 (Chris)
  483. Fixing a bug that the submenu of ExtensionTest in TestCpp can't scroll.
  484. Implements a client extension and adds a test case.
  485. Implements 'SIODelegate::fireEventToScript' method to integrate JSB event handling with the original native code.
  486. Update network extension to correctly detect and manage connection to server versions 0.9.x-1.x
  487. pktangyue
  488. Fixing a bug that CCScale9Sprite::setInsetLeft/XXX can't work for rotated sprite frame.
  489. Fixing a bug that Color and Opacity of Scale9Sprite will not be changed when it's added to NodeRGBA and run with FadeIn/Out actions.
  490. Adding *.xccheckout to gitignore.
  491. jllust
  492. Fixing a bug that CCLabelBMFont crashes in glDrawElements of CCTextureAtlas::drawNumberOfQuads sometimes.
  493. Sam Gross (colesbury)
  494. Ignoring formatting specifiers in JavaScript log messages.
  495. Make bindings-generator supports to bind std::function argument.
  496. James Munro (jdmunro)
  497. Added JSB support for ccpDistanceSQ.
  498. Rafael (rafaelx)
  499. A warning fix of AL_INVALID_NAME and AL_INVALID_OPERATION in SimpleAudioEngineOpenAL.cpp.
  500. metalbass
  501. Fixing an issue that sigslot::_connection_base# (from 0 to 8) don't have virtual destructors.
  502. thp
  503. Port Cocos2D-X to Qt 5
  504. Nako Sung (nakosung)
  505. Fixing a bug that wrong logic when pass an empty std::vector to WebSocket::init.
  506. Exposing cc.RemoveSelf to JS.
  507. exposed AssetsManager to javascript and added multiple-assetsManager support
  508. dotsquid
  509. Fixed the crash caused by improper deletion of VBOs and VAO in ParticleSystemQuad.
  510. maciekczwa
  511. Fixing a bug that stroke color with channel color values other than 255 doesn't take effect on android.
  512. zcgit
  513. a potential bug fix in Layer::init.
  514. gkosciolek
  515. Fixing a bug that observers with the same target and name but different sender are the same observer in NotificationCenter.
  516. xbruce
  517. Fixing a bug that crash appears when extending cc.ScrollView in JS.
  518. Fixing a bug that cc.registerTargettedDelegate doesn't support pure js object as its target.
  519. elwinarens (Elwin Arens)
  520. Minor spelling changes in description of CCScene.h
  521. signmotion (Andrey Syrokomsky)
  522. Fixed some compiling-warnings (MSVC2012).
  523. michaelcontento
  524. [Android] use onWindowFocusChanged(bool) instead of onResume()/onPause()
  525. Prevent nullptr access in AssetsManager
  526. [Android] re-introduce Cocos2dxHelper.runOnGLThread(Runnable)
  527. [Android] added EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE to OpenGL attributes
  528. Android: add xlargeScreens="true" to supports-screens
  529. Trigger onKeyReleased only after the key has been released.
  530. Makes Colors are now comparable and explicit convertible
  531. bmanGH
  532. Used gl caching functions in TexturePVR::createGLTexture()
  533. Configuration of VAO in runtime
  534. Added setUniformLocationWithMatrix2fv, setUniformLocationWithMatrix3fv mothed into GLProgram class
  535. Fixed a bug that object which isn't in Vector would also be released when invoking Vector::eraseObject.
  536. Fixed a bug that Timer::cancel always call Director::getInstance()->getScheduler() even in another Scheduler.
  537. Fix crash if label's type is STRING_TEXTURE and label->sortAllChildren is called
  538. metadao
  539. make more pythonic and fix some typoes
  540. timothyqiu
  541. Project creator: use absolute path for json config files
  542. Documentation fixes
  543. A better way to locate project creator
  544. rablwupei
  545. Fixed a memory leak in ScriptingCore::runScript()
  546. Fixed a memory leak in Spine.
  547. Added support of passing array to cc.Sequence.create and cc.Spawn.create.
  548. Fixed a bug that sys.localStorage.getItem() does not support non-ascii string.
  549. Fixed a memory leak in XMLHttpRequest.
  550. Fixed a bug that wrong convention to jsval in cccolor4f_to_jsval and cccolor3b_to_jsval.
  551. Keita Obo (ktaobo)
  552. Avoid unnecessary object duplication for Scale9Sprite.
  553. jimmystar
  554. Fixed a bug that cc.Scheduler.schedule(target, func) without repeat argument couldn't repeat schedule forever on device.
  555. XiaoLongHan (kpkhxlgy0)
  556. Fixed a bug that outside of keyboard can't be responded to close keyboard when using EditBox.
  557. lettas
  558. A fix for multi-platform template.
  559. HoGarfield (garfield_ho)
  560. Fixed a bug that CCBReader can't play sequence automatically in JSB.
  561. Could not set next animation in CCBAnimationCompleted callback.
  562. Fixed missing to add JSAutoCompartment when invoking JS functions from C++.
  563. CCBReader: To set anchor point to 0,0 when created by loader.
  564. Potential crash when websocket connection closes.
  565. lite3
  566. Fixed a bug that Node's anchor point was changed after being added to ScrollView.
  567. Added HttpClient::sendImmediate()
  568. Added operator == != for Value
  569. Replace dynamic_cast to std::is_base_of in object_to_luaval
  570. Added support normalize path on android
  571. FileUtils: Remove old path while adding existing search path
  572. superrad
  573. Clear NoSuchMethodError Exception when JniHelper fails to find methodID
  574. Nite Luo (darkdukey)
  575. Added Mouse Support For Desktop Platforms.
  576. ledyba
  577. Fixed a bug that EventListeners can't be removed sometimes.
  578. Fixed a bug that the data size has to be specified when parsing XML using TinyXML.
  579. Closed X display after getting DPI on Linux.
  580. Luis Parravicini (luisparravicini)
  581. Fixed typos in
  582. xhcnb
  583. Device::setAccelerometerEnabled needs to be invoked before adding ACC listener.
  584. Fixed a bug that it will get wrong custom properties when use different count custom properties in CocosBuilder.
  585. Correct TotalTime of ActionObject
  586. bopohaa
  587. Fixed a bug that Webp test crashes.
  588. lajos
  589. FontTest isn't rendered correctly with custom TTF font on Mac platform.
  590. hulefei
  591. Added gui namespace before SEL_TouchEvent.
  592. zhiqiangxu
  593. Fixed a logic error in ControlUtils::RectUnion.
  594. Fixed an issue that there is an useless conversion in ScrollView::onTouchBegan.
  595. Deleted several lines of useless code in ScrollView::deaccelerateScrolling.
  596. Fixed that ScrollView should implement ActionTweenDelegate.
  597. Fixed LabelBMFont::getBoundingBox() position error
  598. yinkaile (2youyouo2)
  599. Maintainer of Armature Bone Animation.
  600. dmurtagh
  601. Fixed a bug that UserDefault::getDoubleForKey() doesn't pass default value to Java.
  602. Fixed a compile error when CC_SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW is on
  603. seobyeongky
  604. Updates spine runtime.
  605. Fixed a potential bug in Data's copy constructor.
  606. Fixed the bug that MotionStreak can not work with MoveTo and MoveBy
  607. Fixed a bug that HttpAsynConnection can not get error content if response code less than 200 or response code greater or equal than 300
  608. luocker
  609. Fix a bug that string itself is also modified in `String::componentsSeparatedByString`.
  610. omersaeed
  611. Fix a bug that game will crash if connection breaks during download using AssetManager.
  612. SBKarr
  613. AngelCode binary file format support for LabelBMFont.
  614. zarelaky
  615. OpenAL context isn't destroyed correctly on mac and ios.
  616. kicktheken (Kenneth Chan)
  617. Fixed a bug that the setBlendFunc method of some classes wasn't exposed to LUA.
  618. Fix lua project template crash on iOS5.1 device
  619. Fix layout constant syntax error in lua-binding
  620. zilongshanren
  621. Fixed a bug that missing to check self assignment of Vector<T>, Map<K,V>, Value and String.
  622. Fixed a bug that move assignment operator doesn't clear previous content bug.
  623. Fixed the compile error of Map's getRandomObject.
  624. daltomi
  625. Fixed a typo in Director class.
  626. Removed an unnecessary boolean flag in CCFontAtlasCache.cpp.
  627. Used 'cbegin/cend', 'const std::string' where it's reasonable.
  628. v1ctor
  629. ControlSlider supports to set selected thumb sprite.
  630. ControlButton supports to set scale ratio of touchdown state
  631. akof1314
  632. TestCpp works by using CMake and mingw on Windows.
  633. Pisces000221
  634. Corrected a few mistakes in the README file of project-creator.
  635. Corrected a mistake in README.
  636. Fixed a bug that a string which only contains CJK characters can't make a line-break when it's needed.
  637. Fixed a bug that if the UISlider is faded, the slide ball won't fade together
  638. hbbalfred
  639. Fixed a bug that crash if file doesn't exist when using FileUtils::getStringFromFile.
  640. Fixed a bug that cc.BuilderReader.load( path, null, parentSize ); was not allowed.
  641. liang8305
  642. Use multiple processes according the number of cores to build android project
  643. pandamicro
  644. Exposed SAXParser to JS, it is used for parsing XML in JS.
  645. hanjukim
  646. Fixed a bug that color and opacity settings were not applied when invoking Label::alignText.
  647. Fixed the bug that FileUtils:getStringFromFile() may return a unterminated string
  648. Skip BOM in DataReaderHelper::addDataFromJsonCache()
  649. bagobor
  650. Fixed a memory leak in AssetsManager::uncompress.
  651. Code format fix and small optimizations in cocostudio/CCActionNode.cpp.
  652. ucchen
  653. Exposed the missing data structures of Spine to JS.
  654. justmao945
  655. Corrected the definition of CMake variables.
  656. maksqwe
  657. Fixed string size check in BitmapDC::utf8ToUtf16 on win32 and assert condition in TriggerMng.
  658. wefiends
  659. s3tc compressed textures with no mipmaps fail to be loaded.
  660. Added createWithFullscreen overloaded method that sets video mode
  661. floatinghotpot
  662. Fixed a bug that no callback is invoked when websocket connection fails
  663. Linghui
  664. Updated README of template: fix wrong platform java path.
  665. seemk
  666. Fixed crash if invoking Director::end() on WINDOWS.
  667. odedsh
  668. Fixed a bug that loading custom fonts from ttf file fails on windows.
  669. Wilhansen
  670. Fixed a bug that spine::Skeleton would not be updated after re-adding to scene.
  671. huangml
  672. Fixed a bug that Node::removeAllChildrenWithCleanup() does not remove PhysicsBody.
  673. newnon
  674. Adds getCurrentLanguageCode() which returns iso 639-1 language code.
  675. Adds support for get response when Activity's onActivityResult is triggered.
  676. Improve Android projects.
  677. Android jni error clear & more readable log.
  678. Add support of software PVRTC v1 decompression.
  679. Fixed a bug that ttf font have not effect on Mac OS X.
  680. Fixed a bug that before touchMove Touch::_prevPoint contains junk.
  681. Added Device::setKeepScreenOn().
  682. Fixed Label performance problem.
  683. Added Node::stopAllActionsByTag && ActionManager::removeAllActionsByTag.
  684. Added getAllTouches() in GLViewProtocol.
  685. Precompiled headers improvements.
  686. Added Application::openUrl for all supported platforms ecept WP8 and WinRT.
  687. Scale9Sprite capInsets set fix.
  688. Clang static analyzer crash fix.
  689. Fix include in cocos network module.
  690. Slider misprint fix.
  691. Fix web socket crash.
  692. Scale9Sprite cropped sprite frames support.
  693. youknowone
  694. Adds iOS-like elastic bounceback support for cocos2d::extension::ScrollView
  695. aeonmine
  696. Fixed ActionObject memory leak in ActionManagerEx::initWithDictionary
  697. Fixed memory leak in cocos studiov2.0 reader
  698. LoungeKatt
  699. Corrected a mistake of building android project in
  700. flashjay
  701. Remove deprecated code in lua tests & template
  702. luaLoadChunksFromZip should just remove .lua or .luac extension
  703. zukkun
  704. Fixed incorrect function invocation in PhysicsBody::setAngularVelocityLimit
  705. dbaack
  706. Fixed a bug that removing and re-adding an event listener will trigger assert
  707. zakmandhro
  708. A typo fix in
  709. mgcL
  710. A potential memory leak fix in value's default constructor
  711. Added ScriptHandlerMgr::destroyInstance to avoid memory leak
  712. Mazyod
  713. Fixed a bug that HTTPClient reports 2xx status codes as errors
  714. Added missing Text Font and Placeholder feature of EditBox for Mac platform
  715. HttpRequest uses std::function as callback
  716. EditBox: mac secure input
  717. Fix a bug that can not get/set text in password mode on Mac OS X
  718. Make sure TableView parents are visible before handling touch
  719. Fixed memory leak in HttpRequest
  720. iSevenDays
  721. Fixed a bug that the result of 'malloc' is incompatible with type 'unsigned char *' in Image::saveImageToPNG
  722. Fixed a potential memory leak in
  723. Fixed incompatible pointer conversion in external/chipmunk/src/cpArray.c
  724. Fixed memory leak in 'Image'
  725. Fixed loosing precision when using 'recv' in 'Console'
  726. Fixed link error with Xcode 6 when building with 32-bit architecture
  727. Fixed CMake for Mac OS X
  728. ololomax
  729. Fixed a potential crash in SceneReader::createNodeWithSceneFile
  730. gaoxiaosong
  731. Fixed a warning in cpCollision.c
  732. sachingarg05
  733. Re-added orientation change callback in java activity
  734. GLProgram should not abort() if shader compilation fails, returning false is better.
  735. dplusic
  736. Fixed that cc.pGetAngle may return wrong value
  737. zifter
  738. Fixed a bug that the effect of particle loaded from CocosBuilder is incorrectly
  739. Fix twice calling onExit
  740. Fixed bug with cascade opacity and color for control button
  741. Fix Progress Action. Not working with charging from 100 to 0.
  742. twhittock
  743. Fixed a bug that Application::run returns wrong value on Mac platform
  744. asmodehn
  745. Added SDK / NDK detection based on PATH in
  746. myourys
  747. Make cpp template support Eclipse c++ project
  748. NatWeiss
  749. Fix compilation error using arch i386
  750. Fixed debug-config crash if a FrameBuffer has no RenderTargetDepthStencil.
  751. favorcode
  752. Correct some doxygen comment
  753. asuuma
  754. Fix Repeat will run one more over in rare situations.
  755. uqtimes
  756. Fix NSNotificationCenter and NSTimer leaks
  757. ntotani
  758. fix building error in lua-binding in release mode
  759. Fixed WebView lua-bind method name.
  760. kezhuw
  761. AutoReleasePool manager improvement
  762. Fixed a bug that condition variable sleep on unrelated mutex in HttpClient
  763. zhouxiaoxiaoxujian
  764. Added TextField::getStringLength()
  765. Add shadow, outline, glow filter support for UIText
  766. Fix UITextField IME can't auto detach
  767. Add getChildByName method for get a node that can be cast to Type T
  768. Improvement ImageViewReader don't necessary loadTexture when imageFilePath is empty
  769. QiuleiWang
  770. Fix the bug that calculated height of multi-line string was incorrect on iOS
  771. Rumist
  772. Fix the bug that the result of Director->convertToUI() is error.
  773. kyokomi
  774. Fix the bug that UIButton doesn't support TTF font
  775. Fix a bug of TextReader
  776. Fix a bug that UITextField doesn't support TTF font
  777. Setted contentSize in CSLoader
  778. gin0606
  779. Add a new line at the end of a file
  780. Fix a bug that crash happened when try to remove videoView(STATE_PLAYBACK_COMPLETED) in android
  781. Fix video scale issue in iOS
  782. Fix iOS VideoPlayer memory leak
  783. Added c++11 random library support
  784. Added WebView widget which supports iOS and Android
  785. billtt
  786. Fixed a bug that Node::setScale(float) may not work properly
  787. network: Fixed a problem where WebSocket messages may pile up
  788. Teivaz
  789. Custom uniform search optimization
  790. Fixed compiling error on WP8.
  791. Added method for custom precompiled shader program loading on WP8
  792. Enable screen orientation change handling on WP8
  793. Enabled GLProgramState restoring on render recreated on WP8
  794. chareice
  795. Make `` work on zsh
  796. taug
  797. Could add seach path and resolution order path in front.
  798. CaiCQ
  799. Fix a but that LabelTTF may lost chinese characters on linux
  800. chenguangqi
  801. Fixed a compiling error on Android
  802. Fixed an error when importing project using Eclipse on Android
  803. uorbe001
  804. Allow setting bundle to use in file utils on iOS and Mac OS X
  805. yongkangchen
  806. Fixed a bug that font size of EditBox is not scaled when glview is scaled on Mac OS X
  807. Fixed a bug that Label::setTextColor does not have any effect on Mac OS X
  808. wagulu
  809. Fixed a bug that particle effect is wrong when scaled
  810. reckhou
  811. Optimize FPS control on Android
  812. dzl-ian
  813. Added getter and setter for TextColor for UIText
  814. zii
  815. Added utils::gettime()
  816. takaken1994
  817. Added function for setting min/max scale for ScrollView
  818. studio: Removed "using namespace cocos2d" from CCFrame.h
  819. maltium
  820. Added 3D rotation support to RotateTo action
  821. Hamken100per
  822. Added a function getAssetManager() on CCFileUtilsAndroid
  823. rny
  824. Fixed LabelTTF::getBoundingBox() position error
  825. SpriteFrameCache load from plist file content data
  826. AppleJDay
  827. Add Feature:EventMouse should support getDelta, getDeltaX, getDeltaY functions
  828. GavinThornton
  829. Fixed a bug that when a sprite added into SpriteBatchNod it will turn black if setting opacity
  830. DavidPartouche
  831. Fixed the bug that video player not showing on iOS if it's not in FullScreen mode
  832. zaWasp
  833. Added support for applicationDidEnterBackground / applicationWillEnterForeground on win32
  834. xiangxw
  835. Fixed the bug that Console::sendPrompt() will send extra `\0`
  836. kaishiqi
  837. Fixed a but that cursor postion is wrong on desktop.
  838. jagd
  839. Added setSubsteps() and getSubsteps() in PhysicsWorld
  840. denpen
  841. Fixed a bug that scroll view hidden picks up the touch events.
  842. joewan
  843. Fixed memory leak when use menu_selector
  844. zhongfq
  845. Optimize decompress jpg data
  846. Fixed memory leak of TextureCache::reloadTexture()
  847. wohaaitinciu
  848. WebView support on windows.
  849. Fix a fatal bug in EditBox implement for platform win32.
  850. guykogus
  851. Implemented Application::openUrl for WP8 and WinRT
  852. tttreal
  853. Fixed Label::getStringNumLines()
  854. hongliang-goudou
  855. Fixed the bug that UI animation playing crash if GUI JSON file is loaded again
  856. yestein
  857. Add Cocostudio Armature getOffsetPoints API for Lua
  858. coldfog
  859. Fix bug that ActionManagerEx::initWithBinary can only load one UI animation
  860. timur-losev
  861. Fix a bug that GLProgramCache::addGLProgram() can not replace existing program
  862. TimothyZhang
  863. Fixed a potential memory leak in GLProgram::setGLProgram()
  864. Add jsb.fileUtils.writeDataToFile().
  865. ahlwong
  866. Fix Label Kerning on Single Characters
  867. Svenito
  868. Add greater than operator to Vec2
  869. liamcindy
  870. Update ui button size changed logic.
  871. Added support for Cocos Studio Light3D.
  872. Fix scrollview render errorl.
  873. Update for text effect clone.
  874. Update controlButton size calculate with new Scale9Sprite logic.
  875. Update pageview to support adjust child size.
  876. vovkasm
  877. Fix warnings for Xcode6.1
  878. nilium
  879. Unignore libs dir in plugin and fix Travis script to descend into included directories
  880. shrimpz
  881. Fix two typos in luaval_to_quaternion
  882. Fix label crashed on android
  883. ton1517
  884. Fix the issue that JumpTo can not be applied more than once
  885. takaokato
  886. Fix wrong result in Node:getParenttoNodeTransform() if node is transformed
  887. AknEp
  888. Fix FileUtils::fullPathForFilename return empty string if file not found
  889. kompjoefriek
  890. Fix compiling warnings
  891. Device: Added vibrate support to enable vibration for a duration.
  892. tmr111116
  893. fix random int overflow
  894. flamefox
  895. fix the bug that Sprite3D::getAttachNode() should failed when there is no bone with name
  896. ryule
  897. Fixed HttpClient-ios request to work when the data is started by 0x00
  898. loadrunner
  899. Added romanian languange support
  900. Added sensor property for PhysicsShape
  901. Added line spacing/leading feature to Label.
  902. Changed label font size type to float.
  903. Removed scale factor for label shadow.
  904. Fixed a TMXLayer bug: When using float values (for example the actual position of the character) to get the current tile, the wrong tile is sometimes/usually returned.
  905. Almax27
  906. RenderQueue command buffer optimize.
  907. Removed ScrollView::_innerContainer pointer copy.
  908. IgorMats
  909. Added MotionStreak::getStroke/setStroke
  910. matsuokah
  911. Fixed the bug that JNI illegal start byte error causes crashing error on Android 5.0
  912. babcca
  913. Fixed crashing when playing streamed MP4 file on iOS
  914. milos1290
  915. Added Lerp for Vec3
  916. Added ActionFloat
  917. perminovVS
  918. Optimize Vec3 and Vec2
  919. Added `UserDefault::setDelegate()`
  920. FileUtils: Added FileUtils::getSuitableFOpen() for convert utf8 to locale, for specific platform
  921. platform: Correct all usage of unicode version winapi in FileUtils for win32
  922. FileUtils: Added FileUtils::getFileExtension for getting file's extension name
  923. utils: Made utils::captureScreen saving file in another thread to improve the performance
  924. Added check for glfwCreateWindow.
  925. Refined AssetsManagerEx unzipping by using async.
  926. Fixed a bug in FileUtilsWin32::removeDirectory when the file begins with ".".
  927. Corrected the keyboard codes for Desktop and WinRT.
  928. Added some support for mouse on WinRT.
  929. Correct the convertion between unicode and utf8 on WinRT.
  930. qiutaoleo
  931. Added a feature to check case characters for filename on windows
  932. HueyPark
  933. Fixed memory leak in HttpClient on iOS
  934. Dimon4eg
  935. Fixed crash on AssetsManager
  936. Fixed memory leak of WebView on iOS
  937. Fixed crahed that if url contains illegal characters on Android
  938. log: Fixed crash on Windows if passing string more than 16kb to cocos2d::log
  939. Fixed a crash bug when csb file is broken.
  940. Fixed a crash bug in LoadingBar.
  941. Fixed a crash bug in destructor of FontFreeType.
  942. UI: Set focus to Widget when touched.
  943. tankorsmash
  944. Fixed the bug that ProgressTimer::setSprite() doesn't take effect
  945. namezero111111
  946. ui: TextField add `getTextColor`, `getTextHorizontalAlignment` and `getTextVerticalAlignment` API
  947. Physics: Fixed circle shape debug draw incorrect issue
  948. shinhirota
  949. JS: Fixed issue of iOS/JS reflection `callStaticMethod` with bool arg
  950. oscr
  951. Fix two issues with
  952. Capitalize default option in
  953. platform: Added debug flag -Wextra to linux CMakeFile
  954. iris-wy
  955. platform: Fixed warning "Service Intent must be explicit" on Android
  956. alexpeak
  957. Label: Fixed rendering LabelTTF characters as black boxes on Android by ensuring atlases are purged before resetting
  958. ywxzm
  959. Lua: Fixed onTouch begin don't return value
  960. xpol
  961. Sprite: Fixed some warnings and a related bug in CCSprite.
  962. Fixes boring deprecated warning.
  963. marzapower
  964. UI: Fixed inertial scrolling for CCScrollView
  965. MAUSMAUSgames
  966. Action: Permitted setting bitwise flags to action
  967. RUKD
  968. ParticleSystem: performance improvement
  969. m-yukio
  970. UI: RichText support new line element.
  971. Fraggle
  972. Fix PMA Handling issue.
  973. nhuanvd
  974. Fix cannot add view to mFrameLayout when extends Cocos2dxActivity.
  975. 1scaR1
  976. Add Scale9Sprite fade actions with cascade opacity enabled in js-test.
  977. FrancoisDupayrat
  978. Fix edit box setPlaceholderFontName and scale font size issue.
  979. cesarpachon
  980. AudioEngine on Linux replace the original SimpleAudioEngine with a new version of FMOD, now AudioEngine support all platforms!
  981. cezheng
  982. Fix Downloader bug for iOS & Android.
  983. pandemosth
  984. Fix crash when removing a remotely downloaded image from texture cache in js-binding.
  985. GuoLunHao
  986. Add quiet option for Cocos Toolkit.
  987. Retired Core Developers:
  988. WenSheng Yang
  989. Author of windows port, CCTextField,
  990. Designer of CCApplication/CCEGLView/platform structure.
  991. He's working together with 2dx core team but leading FishingJoy game
  992. RongHong Huang (flyingpaper)
  993. Author of cocos2d-xna and spent all his time on wp7.
  994. Bo Yu (boyu0)
  995. anxi
  996. Added UIEditBox support on linux platform.
  997. avail
  998. Fixed minor typo in README.
  999. cpascal
  1000. Fixed a crash bug of AudioPlayer in Win32.
  1001. geron-cn
  1002. Removed redundant interface in CCSkeletonNode.
  1003. Fixed a bug that a same frame index is inserted after animation speed is scaled.
  1004. Fixed crash when recall a cached timeline after scene exited.
  1005. Added ActionTimeline::setAnimationEndCallBack and ActionTimeline::addFrameEndCallFunc.
  1006. igorzel
  1007. Fixed a crash bug caused by integer overflow in Device::getTextureDataForText on iOS.
  1008. KAIO2
  1009. Fixed typos and syntax errors.
  1010. kammy
  1011. Moved initialization of image to an appropriate location, because it always called twice in SpriteFrameCache::addSpriteFramesWithFile()
  1012. lijinlong
  1013. Fixed a bug of luabinding enumerateChildren.
  1014. linguofeng
  1016. lsybblll
  1017. Fixed a bug in CCPhysics3DComponent.cpp that oldBool is set with a wrong value.
  1018. mogemimi
  1019. Fixed various compiler warnings on Xcode 7.
  1020. Fixed some minor typos in lua bindings.
  1021. Fixed a minor typo and renamed INTIAL_CAPS_ALL_CHARACTERS to INITIAL_CAPS_ALL_CHARACTERS in UIEditBox.
  1022. Fixed some minor typos.
  1023. Fixed Wformat-security warning on Xcode.
  1024. Added missing override keyword.
  1025. Fix memory leak when initWithImage() failed.
  1026. Fix deprecation warning in SkeletonRenderer.
  1027. Fix typos in documentation and comments.
  1028. njh0602
  1029. Clean up the code of setRect() function.
  1030. Fixed syntax error in comment.
  1031. Add virtual keyword for some render related function.
  1032. noshbar
  1033. Changed the size of startFlag to 13.
  1034. Added checks to see if temp1 and temp2 are non-null before dereferencing them.
  1035. "Changed some delete operations to be deletions of arrays where applicable.
  1036. Changed some "free" operations to "delete" where memory was allocated with "new".
  1037. pabitrapadhy
  1038. Fixed spelling and grammar mistakes.
  1039. seivan
  1040. Fixed a bug that cocos2d::Map may cause Dangling Pointers when inserting Ref Object which already exist in the Map.
  1041. EventListenerMouse will dispatch EventMouse events.
  1042. songchengjiang
  1043. Fixed a bug of nomalize_point which caused particle rendering error.
  1044. Fixed a bug that lua Scene3DTest "back" button did not work.
  1045. TheCodez
  1046. Added missing getChildByTag<>() API.
  1047. Fixed a bug that RefPtr test wasn't executed even in debug build.
  1048. Added Application::getVersion() to get the app version.
  1049. thuydx55
  1050. Fixed a bug of loading pluginx lib when compile Android with --compile-script flag.
  1051. Cocos2d-x can not grow so fast without the active community.
  1052. Thanks to all developers who report & trace bugs, discuss the engine usage in forum & QQ groups!
  1053. Special thanks to Ricardo Quesada for giving us lots of guidances & suggestions.