/******************************************************************** * Nomes: Gabriel Capella Números USP: 8962078 * João Herique Luciano 8535957 * * Tarefa: RedCore - EP2 MAC0463 * Arquivo: params.h * Descrição: Definições de parâmetros usados no jogo ********************************************************************/ #ifndef params_h #define params_h // BALL #define BALL_SIZE 15 #define THROW_ANG 20 // in degrees #define INITIAL_SPEED 500 // TAMANHO DO NUCLEO #define CORE_RADIUS 50 // PADDLE #define PADDLE_WIDTH 120 #define PADDLE_HEIGHT 10 #define PADDLE_ALTURA 90 // CORES #define COLOR_back Color4B(39, 40, 34, 255) #define COLOR_pink Color4B(249,38,114, 255) #define COLOR_blue Color4B(102,217,239, 255) #define COLOR_green Color4B(166,226,46, 255) #define COLOR_orange Color4B(253,151,31, 255) #define COLOR_grey Color4B(120,120,120, 255) #define COLOR_red Color4F(0.988, 0.147, 0.030, 1) // TAGs #define BALL_TAG 15 #define BLOCK_TAG 10 #define CORE_TAG 11 #define BOTTOM_TAG 12 #define INDESTRUCTIBLE_BLOCK_TAG 13 #define PADDLE_TAG 14 #define THREE_BALLS_TAG 9 #define SAVE_TAG 8 #define PADDLE_BALL_TAG 7 #define SUPERBALL_TAG 6 // Probabilities #define DROP_LEVEL_SAVE 0.03 #define DROP_TRIPLE_BALL 0.06 // Aumenta com o tempo #define DROP_PADDLE_BALL 0.05 #define DROP_SUPER_BALL 0.03 // Power Ups Seconds Interval #define POWER_UP_INTERVAL 2.5 // Time to paddle back to normal size #define POWER_UP_PADDLE_SECONDS 10 // Hours to lose level #define LOSE_IS 12 // FONT #define FONT "fonts/abel.ttf" // TEXT #define MSG_TRIPE_BALLS "Triple Balls!" #define MSG_LEVEL_SAVED "Level Saved!" #define MSG_TITLE "RedCore" #define MSG_OVER "Game Over..." #define MSG_DOUBLE_PADDLE "Doubled paddle!" #define MSG_HALF_PADDLE "Half paddle :(" #define MSG_LEVEL_BACK "You are at level %d. In %.1f hour(s) you will regrow a level." #define MSG_NEXT_LEVEL "Next Level" #define MSG_RESTART "Restart" #define MSG_SUPER_BALL "Super Ball!" #define MSG_START "Start" // DEBUG #define DEBUG 0 #endif /* params_h */