#!/usr/bin/python # This script is used to generate luabinding glue codes. # Android ndk version must be ndk-r9b. import sys import os, os.path import shutil import ConfigParser import subprocess import re from contextlib import contextmanager import shutil import yaml import tempfile def _check_ndk_root_env(): ''' Checking the environment NDK_ROOT, which will be used for building ''' try: NDK_ROOT = os.environ['NDK_ROOT'] except Exception: print "NDK_ROOT not defined. Please define NDK_ROOT in your environment." sys.exit(1) return NDK_ROOT def _check_python_bin_env(): ''' Checking the environment PYTHON_BIN, which will be used for building ''' try: PYTHON_BIN = os.environ['PYTHON_BIN'] except Exception: print "PYTHON_BIN not defined, use current python." PYTHON_BIN = sys.executable return PYTHON_BIN class CmdError(Exception): pass @contextmanager def _pushd(newDir): previousDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(newDir) yield os.chdir(previousDir) def _run_cmd(command): ret = subprocess.call(command, shell=True) if ret != 0: message = "Error running command" raise CmdError(message) def _edit_yaml(filePath): f = open(filePath, 'r') data = yaml.load(f) f.close() data['conversions']['ns_map']['cocos2d::plugin::'] = 'plugin.' data['conversions']['to_native']['TIAPDeveloperInfo'] = 'ok &= pluginx::luaval_to_TIAPDeveloperInfo(tolua_S, ${arg_idx}, &${out_value})' data['conversions']['to_native']['TAdsDeveloperInfo'] = 'ok &= pluginx::luaval_to_TAdsDeveloperInfo(tolua_S, ${arg_idx}, &${out_value})' data['conversions']['to_native']['TAdsInfo'] = 'ok &= pluginx::luaval_to_TAdsInfo(tolua_S, ${arg_idx}, &${out_value})' data['conversions']['to_native']['TShareDeveloperInfo'] = 'ok &= pluginx::luaval_to_TShareDeveloperInfo(tolua_S, ${arg_idx}, &${out_value})' data['conversions']['to_native']['TSocialDeveloperInfo'] = 'ok &= pluginx::luaval_to_TSocialDeveloperInfo(tolua_S, ${arg_idx}, &${out_value})' data['conversions']['to_native']['TUserDeveloperInfo'] = 'ok &= pluginx::luaval_to_TUserDeveloperInfo(tolua_S, ${arg_idx}, &${out_value})' f = open(filePath, 'w') f.write(yaml.dump(data)) f.close() def main(): cur_platform= '??' llvm_path = '??' ndk_root = _check_ndk_root_env() # del the " in the path ndk_root = re.sub(r"\"", "", ndk_root) python_bin = _check_python_bin_env() platform = sys.platform if platform == 'win32': cur_platform = 'windows' elif platform == 'darwin': cur_platform = platform elif 'linux' in platform: cur_platform = 'linux' else: print 'Your platform is not supported!' sys.exit(1) if platform == 'win32': x86_llvm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains/llvm-3.3/prebuilt', '%s' % cur_platform)) if not os.path.exists(x86_llvm_path): x86_llvm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains/llvm-3.4/prebuilt', '%s' % cur_platform)) else: x86_llvm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains/llvm-3.3/prebuilt', '%s-%s' % (cur_platform, 'x86'))) if not os.path.exists(x86_llvm_path): x86_llvm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains/llvm-3.4/prebuilt', '%s-%s' % (cur_platform, 'x86'))) x64_llvm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains/llvm-3.3/prebuilt', '%s-%s' % (cur_platform, 'x86_64'))) if not os.path.exists(x64_llvm_path): x64_llvm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ndk_root, 'toolchains/llvm-3.4/prebuilt', '%s-%s' % (cur_platform, 'x86_64'))) if os.path.isdir(x86_llvm_path): llvm_path = x86_llvm_path elif os.path.isdir(x64_llvm_path): llvm_path = x64_llvm_path else: print 'llvm toolchain not found!' print 'path: %s or path: %s are not valid! ' % (x86_llvm_path, x64_llvm_path) sys.exit(1) project_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..')) cocos_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(project_root, '')) cxx_generator_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(project_root, 'tools/bindings-generator')) pluginx_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(project_root, 'plugin')) # save config to file config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.set('DEFAULT', 'androidndkdir', ndk_root) config.set('DEFAULT', 'clangllvmdir', llvm_path) config.set('DEFAULT', 'cocosdir', cocos_root) config.set('DEFAULT', 'cxxgeneratordir', cxx_generator_root) config.set('DEFAULT', 'extra_flags', '') config.set('DEFAULT', 'pluginxdir', pluginx_root) # To fix parse error on windows, we must difine __WCHAR_MAX__ and undefine __MINGW32__ . if platform == 'win32': config.set('DEFAULT', 'extra_flags', '-D__WCHAR_MAX__=0x7fffffff -U__MINGW32__') conf_ini_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'userconf.ini')) print 'generating userconf.ini...' with open(conf_ini_file, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) # set proper environment variables if 'linux' in platform or platform == 'darwin': os.putenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '%s/libclang' % cxx_generator_root) if platform == 'win32': path_env = os.environ['PATH'] os.putenv('PATH', r'%s;%s\libclang;%s\tools\win32;' % (path_env, cxx_generator_root, cxx_generator_root)) # edit conversions config for pluginx conversions_yaml = '%s/targets/lua/conversions.yaml' % cxx_generator_root conversions_backup = '%s.backup' % conversions_yaml shutil.copy(conversions_yaml, conversions_backup) _edit_yaml(conversions_yaml) try: tolua_root = '%s/plugin/tools/pluginx-bindings-generator/tolua' % project_root output_dir = '%s/plugin/luabindings/auto' % project_root cmd_args = {'cocos2dx_pluginx.ini' : ('cocos2dx_pluginx', 'lua_cocos2dx_pluginx_auto')} target = 'lua' generator_py = '%s/generator.py' % cxx_generator_root for key in cmd_args.keys(): args = cmd_args[key] cfg = '%s/%s' % (tolua_root, key) print 'Generating bindings for %s...' % (key[:-4]) command = '%s %s %s -s %s -t %s -o %s -n %s' % (python_bin, generator_py, cfg, args[0], target, output_dir, args[1]) _run_cmd(command) if platform == 'win32': with _pushd(output_dir): _run_cmd('dos2unix *') # replace header file tmpfd,tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='.') input_file_name = '%s/%s.cpp' % (output_dir, args[1]) try: output_file = os.fdopen(tmpfd, 'w') input_file = open(input_file_name) for line in input_file: output_file.write(line.replace('#include "LuaBasicConversions.h"', '#include "LuaBasicConversions.h"\n#include "lua_pluginx_basic_conversions.h"')) finally: output_file.close() input_file.close() shutil.move(tmpname, input_file_name) print '---------------------------------' print 'Generating lua bindings succeeds.' print '---------------------------------' except Exception as e: if e.__class__.__name__ == 'CmdError': print '---------------------------------' print 'Generating lua bindings fails.' print '---------------------------------' sys.exit(1) else: raise finally: shutil.move(conversions_backup, conversions_yaml) # -------------- main -------------- if __name__ == '__main__': main()