import bluetooth from robot import Robot from tag import TagClient from random import randint, random import signal, sys import math import time import numpy as np serverMACAddress = '00:16:53:18:2E:17' port = 1 s = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) s.connect((serverMACAddress, port)) #while 1: # text = bytes([1]) # if text == "quit": # break # s.send(bytes([1])) #sock.close() rid = 11 run = False board = None tagplayer = -1 client = TagClient('localhost', 10318), 14, 19, 7, 13.5) px, py, course = None, None, None # Sinal de ctrl-c def signal_handler(signal, frame): client.stop() sock.close() sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) players = {} while not client.quit: time.sleep(0.4) # nao recebeu informacoes do campo if client.getFieldInfo() is None: continue elif px is None: board = client.getFieldInfo() px, py = board[0]*random(), board[1]*random() course = math.pi*2.0*random() # jogo esta pausado if client.getStatus() is False: players = {} s.send(bytes([0x65])) continue # nao recebeu informacoes do pegador if client.getTagInfo() is None: continue # verifica se ha posicoes novas newposs = client.getPosition() for info in newposs: posx, posy, courser, idd, xsize, ysize, xtag, ytag = info if idd != rid: players[idd] = [posx, posy] else: px, py, course = posx, posy, courser tag, interval = client.getTagInfo() pos = [players[p] for p in players] x1, y1 = 0, 0 if time.time() >= interval and len(pos) >= 1 and tag == rid: print("Pegando") x1 = -py+pos[0][1] y1 = -px+pos[0][0] elif tag != rid: print("Fugindo") x1 = py-players[tag][1] y1 = px-players[tag][0] else: print("Esperando") s.send(bytes([5])) continue x2 = math.cos(course) y2 = math.sin(course) u = np.array([-x1, y1]) v = np.array([x2, -y2]) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([u,v]),,v)) print([u,v], angle) if abs(angle) < 0.2: s.send(bytes([1])) elif angle < 0: s.send(bytes([4])) else: s.send(bytes([3])) s.send(bytes([0x65])) s.send(bytes([0x64]))